Streaming Guide for Studios

Streaming Guide for Studios

A few months ago, a client came to us asking if we had any pointers on starting a streaming account for their game. What platform should they use? How often should they stream? Does their host need blue hair? If you’re a publisher or dev looking to get into...

The changing face of PR

For years, big-name PR agencies — and sadly, most game publishers, movie studios, record labels, plywood manufacturers, etc. — have focused most or all of their publicity and marketing efforts on scoring the big kahuna: coverage, big or small, in top-tier...

Video Games Are Dead, or It’s All a Big Lie

Just finished watching the second part of Mr. Scott Steinberg’s video doohickey, Video Games are Dead, which he’s posted over at Digital Trends (Part 1). I’ve got some thoughts on the whole thing. (Video after the jump) I think the video offers a...