Stay on message. OR I’LL BEAT YOU GOOD.

Ah, what a great vacation that was. So relaxing. I can still hear the sounds of the waves crashing on the white, sandy beach, tropical birds singing their alluring songs in the lush forest behind me. I really meant to update the blog from my cabana, but the resort was...

PR Shorts: The pitch

It’s time for another entertaining installment of PR Shorts, our highly informative — if somewhat basic and embarrassingly infrequent — look at a particular aspect of this job we do. Today I’ll discuss the daunting task of pitching a...

PR: Controlling the Media Nation

“I was reviewing a big, anticipated game in a well-known, successful franchise from a top-tier publisher. It’d gotten plenty of slobbery preview coverage from ours and other outlets in the months previous, but the final game was inescapably mediocre. So I...

I don’t have to take this, man. It’s total bullshot.

The six of you following my every move were certainly led to believe that today’s update would be about PR’s influence over review scores and media coverage. I’m so very sneaky. That update is still coming — possibly blowing away all...