I’d like to make sure that this lil ol’ blog is useful not only to us as a vehicle of shameless self-promotion, but to you readers as a source of information. So… what the hell do you want from us? I’d like to get your feedback on the types of content you’d like to see, subjects you’d like covered, etc. Here’s a bit of stuff rumbling through my head; let us know if you think these ideas suck or if you have some ideas of your own. As marketers, it’s our job to bend over backward to accommodate the desires of consumers, you know.

  • Interviews with industry folk in a variety of roles to discuss marketing-related topics.
  • Podcast?
  • Regular reviews/discussions about the latest game and movie trailers, ads, etc.
  • Reviews of games, movies, CDs. Yeah we do stuff for fun, too.
  • How to gain 30,000 Twitter followers in just 13 minutes!!!
  • How-to guides that shamelessly promote products we’re working on, but also actually give you some information about how we work. Like case studies about our projects, “keys to a good press release” and other junk like that. Legal issues aside, I could even talk about stuff like the shit storm I went through earlier this week.
  • 24-hour coverage of “The Disease Formerly Known As Swine Flu!”

So sue me, it’s very early in the morning, my coffee isn’t ready yet and my ideas are limited. This is supposed to get you to tell me what you want to see. I’m really interested in hearing what you have to say.

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